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Plants for Shade

Shade in gardens is almost unavoidable. Whether it is caused by large plants or buildings, knowing what to plant in these shady areas can help bring life to otherwise dark corners of your garden.

Though it may seem like areas with little to no light would be best avoided, there are many plants which thrive in such conditions. The ground in a shady area is often cooler, and damper than that of ground in direct sunlight, meaning it is always best to find plants that are well suited for this kind of environment.

Assessing the level of light in a shaded area

Light Shade – An open area that is blocked from direct sunlight, but open to bright, indirect light.

Partial Shade – An area that receives three to six hours of sunlight, with the rest of the time being in the protection of shadows cast by surrounding plants or structures.

Dappled Shade – Mainly reflected or broken light through the greenery of surround trees and plants. Direct light is filtered through the canopy above to obscure any harsh sunbeams.

Moderate Shade – An area that gets two to three hours of sun, with the rest of the light being blocked by surrounding plants or buildings.

Deep Shade – Usually an area with minimal light throughout the day, often a result of overhanging buildings or dense plant growth blocking the sun.

Types of shade loving plants

A lack of direct light does not mean there has to be a lack of colour or life in these areas of your garden. Here are some of our favourite varieties of plants to brighten up those darker spots amongst your outdoor space.

  • Heuchera
  • Campanula
  • Hosta
  • Ferns
  • Foxgloves
  • Fatsia
  • Azaleas
  • Rhododendron
  • Camellias

How to care for shaded plants

As plants in shady locations are often hidden from the drying factors of wind and sun, you may find that conditions are considerably damper than in other, more well lit areas of the garden. During warmer seasons, the ground may dry out more than usual however. If that is the case, be sure to water in the morning, and only water the soil. Excess moisture build up on foliage can result in fungal disease.

Shade loving plants, such as azaleas, pieris, camellias and rhododendrons, are acid loving plants. To ensure the ground has all the nutrients these plants need, make sure to add in an ericaceous compost for well-established roots and overall plant health.

Perfect plants for shade

Campanula - Often referred to as bellflower due to their shapely flowers, these delicate and floral plants are great for pots, containers, borders or rockeries. They come in a range of spring colours, and prefer to be kept in a moist but shaded area.

Hosta - These shade loving foliage plants come in a range of beautiful shades of green, perfect for adding depth into your garden beds around existing flowering plants. This easy to grow plant is best when planted during spring, with their bold foliage providing colour until autumn.

Ferns - This non-flowering herbaceous plant is a popular variety grown within shaded gardens, known for its large leaves in varying shades of green. There are many species of ferns, spanning from 2 inches in size all the way to tree ferns over 30ft tall. For the best results, ferns should be cut back during winter to allow for new growth during spring.

Fatsia - This evergreen shrub, with thick and glossy leaves, is a fantastic plant to grow within shaded areas of the garden. The unique spider-web shaped leaves brings an exotic feel to your garden and thrive within all soil types making them highly versatile. It is best to keep these plants protected during winter months to avoid their leaves tearing.

Rhododendron - A popular plant within many gardens, the rhododendron is known for its thick, glossy leaves and large, delicate flowers. Coming to life in spring, this plant is great for large pots or as a statement piece in your borders. This hardy variety of evergreen shrub is great for a shady area, and can be pruned to maintain a uniform shape and size.

Camellia - The camellia is known for its striking beauty and glorious colours. Best when grown in pots, this plant has thick, woody stems filled with glossy, dark green leaves. This evergreen shrub needs well-watered ericaceous soil, and while it is best kept in a partially shaded location, it can tolerate full sun once the roots are well established.