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Plants for Ground Cover

Filling your garden beds and borders with bright, flowering plants can have a great impact, however you may be left wondering what to do with the empty space in between. On the other hand, if you have a large, empty area in need of filling, single plants may not be what you are looking for. For a bold impact, try adding ground cover plants to fill space between your existing plants, or create a unique carpet of colour to a once bland looking area.

As they creep across the surface of the soil, ground cover plants are great at suppressing weeds, locking in moisture while blocking out sunlight from the weed seeds below. Whether you are looking to add some ground cover to a sloping rock garden or around your more established plants, these low growing varieties are perfect for the job. Our favourites include grasses, pachysandra, succulents, delosperma, creeping jenny or dead nettle.

Types of ground cover plants

Clumping Spreaders – These ground cover plants will increase in size, spreading arch shaped legs across the surface of the soil, rooting as they grow.

Carpeters – This type of ground cover will spread through underground stems, just below the surface of the soil.

Finding the right spot for ground cover plants

As suggested in the name, ground cover plants love to grow across or just below the surface, rather than upwards like other plants. When adding ground cover plants to your garden, you will want to ensure you allow them ample space to travel.

As ground cover plants grow, they will form aerial roots that move across the surface of the soil and root into the ground, securing them in place. To give them the best chance, regularly turn the soil surrounding your ground cover plants to allow them to root with ease.

For a more controlled look to your ground cover plants, you can maintain their growth by guiding them as they spread. Placing rocks or slabs in areas you don’t want growth will steer them in the right direction. If you decide you want a different look, don’t be afraid to move your plants around. Well established ground cover plants can be broken up for a more custom display.

Perfect plants for ground cover

Pachysandra - An evergreen perennial known for their creeping stems and matting formation, creating dense ground cover. Sometimes referred to as green carpet, their glossy & dark leaves are spiked in appearance, with delicate white flowers forming throughout early summer. Great for filling space throughout borders, this plant can spread for up to a meter and is even great in dry soil!

Succulents - This vast family of plants is known for their low cover and unique appearance. Often found in rock gardens, these plants are not only great for bringing texture to your borders but thrive in a well-drained, sandy soil. Found in a range of colours, some varieties will even flower during the summer months for an extra pop of colour.

Delosperma Commonly known as coopers ice plant, delosperma is daisy like in appearance with a thick and glossy foliage base. Spreading up to a meter, this plant is great for filling empty space throughout garden beds and borders in a sunny area. They have a preference to sandy, well-drained soil and can even thrive in pots or containers!

Creeping Jenny - Native to the British Isles, creeping jenny is a hardy perennial often used for hanging baskets, trellis or spread across garden beds and borders. Their bright yellowy green foliage makes them stand out amongst other plants, with long shoots that travel across the soil to cover an area. This plant can be added to your garden throughout the year, and thrives in a well lit or partially shaded spot.

Dead Nettle - Similar in appearance to stinging nettles, this herbaceous plant is great for creating a dense carpet of foliage throughout your garden. Unlike common nettles, the dead nettle will not sting you, but instead produce colourful flowers surrounding its woody stems.