Jane Gill at Longacres Bybrook Barn - 28th of October
We are pleased to announce that renowned crafter Jane Gill will be running demonstrations on Saturday 28th of October at Longacres Bybrook Barn. She will be in store between 10.30am & 4.00pm demonstrating her stunning stamps. Come along and get inspired & get involved!
Jane Elizabeth Gill, craft tutor, papercrafts demonstrator and rubber stamp designer has been in the craft industry for over 20 years.
Her rubber stamps are sold with the Woodware label through Creative Expressions, a long standing distributor of craft products here in the U.K. This makes Jane's stamps a 'home grown' proudly British product.
Jane began her career as a graphic designer and natural history illustrator. Designing stamps is one of her great passion and flowers, naturally, are her most popular subject for her stamp designs.
About 60 to 70 stamp sets are launched each year and even though Jane has been designing them for about 10 years, she still gets a buzz and a great deal of satisfaction sharing her love of crafting with like minded people.