07 April 2014
Spring vegetables - grow your own!

- Keep out of any frost - make sure your plant your peppers after the last frost or grow them on inside on a windowsill or heated greenhouse/conservatory.
- Make sure the soil is light, nutrient rich and free-draining - Water little and often!
- Feed plants with a high-potassium fertiliser weekly when fruiting.
- Lettuce plants are considered hardy and so can be planted out now.
- Protect plants from slugs and snail using copper wire, or organic pellets.
- Ensure that you leave enough space between your plants so they don't compete for nutrients, about 30cm apart is ample.
- Plant in full sun, in a sheltered position.
- Water your onion sets during dry spells and remove any flowers as soon as they appear.
- Birds can be a problem and may lift your onions. Place deterrents near the plants to avoid this.