Longacres Opening Hours

All stores are closed on Easter Sunday (with exception of Longacres Chobham), Christmas Day (25th), Boxing Day (26th) and New Year's Day (1st Jan), otherwise opening hours remain as below.

Longacres Bagshot

Monday to Saturday 7.00am - 5.30pm
Sunday 10am - 4.30pm (tills open at 10.30am)
Late night every Thursday until 8pm (all year round)

Telephone 01276 476778
Email customerservices@longacres.co.uk

London Road, Bagshot, Surrey, GU19 5JB
(View on Maps)

Longacres Bourne Valley

Monday to Saturday 9.00am - 5.30pm
Sunday 10am - 4.30pm (tills open at 10.30am)

Telephone 01932 342013
Email bournevalley@longacres.co.uk

Woodham Park Rd, Woodham, Addlestone, KT15 3TH
(View on Maps)

Longacres Bybrook Barn

Monday to Saturday 9.00am - 5.30pm
Sunday 10am - 4.30pm (tills open at 10.30am)

Telephone 01233 631959
Email bybrook@longacres.co.uk

Cemetery Lane, Ashford, Kent, TN24 9JZ
(View on Maps)

Longacres Chelmsford

Monday to Saturday 9.00am - 5.30pm
Sunday 10am - 4.30pm (tills open at 10.30am)

Telephone 01245 466466
Email chelmsford@longacres.co.uk

Homelands Retail Park, Springfield, Chelmsford, CM2 5PX
(View on Maps)

Longacres Chobham

Monday to Saturday 9am - 5.30pm
Sunday 9am - 4.30pm

Telephone 01276 857126
Email chobham@longacres.co.uk

Station Road, Chobham, Surrey, GU24 8AS
(View on Maps)

Longacres Shepperton

Monday to Saturday 9.00am - 5.30pm
Sunday 10am - 4.30pm (tills open at 10.30am)

Telephone 01932 777677
Email shepperton@longacres.co.uk

Nutty Lane, Shepperton, Surrey, TW17 0RQ
(View on Maps)